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twoteeth 2012-04-15 21:42

台灣龍洞攀岩Guide Book 「文字」錯誤記錄區
如果發現或覺得Matt的台灣龍洞攀岩Guide Book中,文字上有所錯誤,可在此處留下敘述,以供後續更正以及後人製做Guide Book時之參考。謝謝!


[全書各處] 攀登區域名稱 "校門口" "門簷" 的英文翻譯 "apprentice" 應為 "appentice". "apprentice" 是指 "徒弟" 的意思.
[all over the book] the area name "school gate - appentice" is incorrectly spelled as "apprentice".
the name is referring to an architectural structure above a gate (commonly seen in eastern Asian style),
instead of the relationship between Skywalker to Yoda in Starwars movies.

- [134頁] 路線279 "威爾森懸岩" 的英文和中文描述難度不一樣. 從書後的兩個附錄查看, 是用英文描述的難度.
[pp134] the descriptions of route 279, "Wilson overhang" has different
difficulty grading in English text and in Chinese text. In appendix (index by name and index by grade), it uses the grade in English description.

- [10頁] "裝備" 欄的下列中英對照意思差很大...
英文: 須自行攜帶飲水, 岩場裡不提供飲水.
中文: ...(略)
pp10, section "Gear", English: Bring drinking waters as there is none available at the crag;
Chinese translated back to English: climbing routes are not long, no need to carry waters)

anmin 2012-05-02 12:11

- [222頁] 路線453 "阿飛" 的英文和中文描述難度不一樣. 從書後的兩個附錄查看, 是用英文描述的難度.
[pp222] the descriptions of route 453, "A-Fei" has different
difficulty grading in English text and in Chinese text. In appendix (index by name and index by grade), it uses the grade in English description.

另外本路線 "阿飛" 的英文翻譯建議可用 "wiseguy" (俗稱 "混社團的人").

anmin 2012-05-15 14:08

- [80頁] 路線172 "黃梁一夢(起攀變化版)" 的英文和中文描述難度不一樣. 從書後的兩個附錄查看, 是用英文描述的難度.
[pp80] the descriptions of route 172, "Aus der Traum (variation start)" has different difficulty grading in English text and in Chinese text. In appendix (index by name and index by grade), it uses the grade in English description.
另外, 本路線172在書後的附錄 "路線級數索引" 297頁, 5.10d 欄, 路線號碼使用紅色列印, 但80頁內文是使用藍色列印.
In addition, in appendix "Index of Routes by Grade" pp297, section 5.10d, this route number 172 is printed in red, but text on page 80 is printed in blue.

anmin 2012-05-16 18:29

[224頁] 路線460和461的描述之間, 中英文對照的意思有點差.
[pp224] the text between the descriptions of route 460 and 461, the text in English and in Chinese have slightly different meanings.
English: ... can be bouldered, led, or toproped
中文: ... 可以抱石, 運動或傳攀...

所有時間均為中原標準時間。現在的時間是 20:31

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