舊 2005-01-19, 20:05   #13
註冊日期: 1999-11
住址: Madison
文章: 689
大濟 是普普通通的會員
康明哲的攀岩之旅 系列一(講座)

先不管阿不阿爾卑,明哲和孟麗的成就和這些定義無關。他們完成了臺灣攀岩界、三十餘年來的三大目標之一。他們的成就不能用一些吹毛求庛的定義給攪混了 ﹣﹣這三大目標是:1)爬上 5.13;2)知名大牆人工攀登;3)知名大牆自由攀登。臺灣的許多高手已完成了第一項。現在明哲和孟麗完成了第二項。而且是用比較困難的阿爾卑式。



我前文已簡略了說明「阿爾卑式攀登」的定義 ﹣﹣定義往往只是簡單的觀念。下定義不等同「加」條件。滿足定義後,要加什麼條件以造成「Alpine Big Wall」、「Remote Alpine Climbing」、「Winter Alpine Accent」等等,是別的話題。我不認為加了條件後的「衍生定義」可以用來混淆阿爾卑式攀登的原始精神和定義。

大英百科全書中沒有「Alpine Climbing」的定義。但不時的談到「Alpine Style of Mountaineering」。我想這兩名辭的精神是一樣的。例如:在談到喜瑪拉雅時:

「. . . Top mountaineers, disenchanted with the ponderous and predictable nature of these "siege" climbs, began in the 1970s to bring a more traditional “Alpine” style of climbing to the world's highest peaks . . . [in] this approach, a small party of perhaps three or four climbers goes up and down the mountain as quickly as possible, carrying all needed gear and provisions. This lightweight approach precludes fixing miles of safety ropes and carrying heavy supplemental oxygen. Speed is of the essence . . .」


又,談到梅思納時:「Messner became one of the earliest and strongest proponents of what came to be called the “Alpine” style of mountaineering, which advocates the use of minimal amounts of lightweight equipment and little or no outside support . . .」

(網路連結:http://www.search.eb.com/eb/articletocId=230908&hook=790001#790001.hook )

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