舊 2014-04-30, 22:01   #6
註冊日期: 1999-11
住址: Madison
文章: 689
大濟 是普普通通的會員
和 Titan Climbing 的 Martin 交換意見。如果龍洞 rebolt 團隊一定要用灌膠式,他的鈦合金雖然貴,可以考慮。我自己還是偏好拆卸式,所以還是會試 Legacy。

至於如何拔出灌膠式,Martin 的方法如下:1)用熱把膠溶掉,但耗時;2)用空心鑽把 bolt 鑽出 -這個方法以前在臺攀討論過,器具很貴,需用水,在垂直地形操作困難。

Martin 回信部份如下,僅供參考:

Our Titanium bolts really are that simple. My goal is to provide the longest lasting anchor and I'm confident we have achieved that. I'm not sure why you would want to remove a titanium bolt. I'm very confident that a titanium bolt in epoxy resin will last at least 50 years. The epoxy has at least a 50 year life expectancy in the construction industry and my thoughts are that such a product designed to hold huge bridges and building up would last much longer. I would expect the titanium bolt to last hundreds of years in fact, that's an informed estimate rather than a guarantee by the way.

I have removed titanium bolts by burning them out with a blow torch but it does take a long time.
The most reliable way to remove a titanium bolt would be to grind off the eye part flush with the rock and use a small diameter diamond core drill...
The bolt legs would centre the core drill and a new bolt could be placed in the same diameter hole as the original bolt . . .

Martin 公司網站和鈦合金 bolt:

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