舊 2007-05-26, 12:28   #31
註冊日期: 1999-11
住址: Madison
文章: 689
大濟 是普普通通的會員

比賽時不都是無排名的選手、排名較低的選手先爬嗎?為什麼 3.4.4 a) 規則看起來不是 (見下)?徵結是這兩字:「start last」。昨天和二齒 online 討論了半天,也不能確定答案。我已去信 IFSC,但人家不一定回。有誰能解釋一下?

3.4.4 Method of preparing starting lists:
a) The starting order of the qualification round of lead and bouldering competitions shall be the reverse of the current WR. Non-ranked competitors shall start last in the round in randomised order.

b) If the qualification round takes place on two or more similar routes or sets of boulders, the competitors shall be allocated to each route or set of boulders in accordance with their respective positions in the current WR.
Firstly, the competitors ranked on the current WR shall be allocated successively between the routes or sets of boulders in the manner shown in the following example:
Starting order (出場序) Relative position on the World Ranking(世界排名)
(among ranked competitors) Route/Set of boulders 1 (路線1)Route/Set of boulders 2(路線2)
….. ….. …..
5th last 9 10
4th last 8 7
3rd last 5 6
2nd last 4 3
Last 1 2
Non-ranked competitors shall then be allocated to each route or set of boulders by means of random selection such that an equal, or as close to equal as possible, number of competitors are allocated to each route or set of boulders. Following this allocation procedure, the starting order for each route or set of boulders shall be the same as described in Article 3.4.4 a).
然後,無排名選手隨機平均分配到各路線。如此,各路線的出場序規則應與規則3.4.4a 相同。
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