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註冊日期: 2001-11
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Top 10 Things to Tell a Beginner

By Rebecca Gonzales



<font color=red>10. How a top-rope works.</font> Make sure a basic explanation has been given about top-ropes and their safety features.

<font color=red>9. How the rope gets up there. </font>Depending on the skill level of the beginner, they may start leading on their first day out. Even if you, the \"guide,\" go around top to set up anchors (for lack of an experienced belayer), you should still explain leading.

<font color=red>8. How the gear gets back.</font> This part often baffles beginners. \"How do you get the gear back down?\" they ask. In this lecture you can include a discussion on how to clip-in direct in order to untie and how to rappel.

<font color=red>7. What to do in case of an emergency. </font>What if something were to happen to the guide? Where is the nearest phone? Where are the keys to the car? What first aid equipment is on hand? These are important questions to address before leaving the ground.

<font color=red>6. Use your legs to do most of the work. </font>It is common for beginners to get completely blown just 20 minutes after leaving the ground. Explain to them how to shake out. Convince them that it is okay to hang. And make sure to send them up with slings to clip-in with in case they\'ll want to hang for a long time.

<font color=red>5. If you do not trust your belayer, the gear, or the rock, do not leave the ground.</font>

<font color=red>4. Everyone is nervous the first time.</font>

<font color=red>3. How to belay. </font>This should include an overview of 2 to 3 types of belay devices. Explain how some products differ from others, which you prefer, and why.

<font color=red>2. How to put on the harness properly.</font>
And the number one thing a beginner should know before ever leaving the ground:

<font color=red>1. How to tie-in. </font>
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